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College of Biological and Environmental Engineering held a forum on High quality development of ecological environment and human health in western China

On March 19, 2023, the Forum on High Quality Development of Ecological Environment and Human Health in Western China, sponsored by Xi’an University and undertaken by Academy of Eco Xi’an, was held in the conference room on the first floor of the office building of Xi’an University. Six well-known experts from Xiamen University, Chongqing University, Lanzhou University and Northwest A&F University were invited to deliver academic reports on ecological environmental protection and restoration and environmental medicine and intestinal restoration respectively. Mingli Liu, member of the Party Committee and vice President of our university, members of the School of Biological and Environmental Engineering and representatives of teachers and students attended the forum. The forum was hosted by professor Tianpeng Gao, dean of the school of Biological and Environmental Engineering.

Mingli Liu said in his speech that the National College Environmental and Ecological Engineering professional construction seminar has a great influence on the subject in China. In July 2021, at the closing ceremony of the third National College Environmental and Ecological Engineering Professional Construction Forum hosted by Chongqing University," Our university has successfully won the right to hold the fourth National College Environmental and Ecological Engineering Professional Construction Forum among many universities, which will further enhance the university's social influence and promote the leapfrog development of the university's professional construction. During this "Western Ecological Environment High-quality Development and Human Health Forum", the preparatory meeting of the fourth National College Environmental and Ecological Engineering Professional Construction Forum was held. It is hoped that through the forum, the school can effectively strengthen discipline construction and personnel training, continuously optimize the professional training program, strengthen the construction of first-class courses and teaching materials, and innovate the personnel training mode. It will continue to provide excellent graduate students for double first-class universities and provincial-level co-built universities, and train reliable successors and qualified builders for the construction of ecological security barrier in the west, ecological protection in the Qinling Mountains, ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, and ecological Xi 'an construction.

The six experts then gave presentations entitled: Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature -- Take the ecological restoration of Yundang Lake in Xiamen as an example; carry out scientific ecological restoration; Study on the correlation between environmental response gene SESN2 and plateau congenital heart disease; intestinal repair -- a new method to reduce the residue of harmful substances in human body; How can science and technology support the Loess Plateau to become "clear water and green mountains"; Efficacy of biological approaches in removal of environmental contaminants in vitro and in vivo, teachers and students of the college exchanged and interacted with experts on scientific issues, Good results have been achieved.

Finally, Professor Gao Tianpeng, president of the forum, said at the end of the forum that the theme of the forum centered on the idea of the harmonious development of human health and environmental health, and implemented the concept of Chinese-style modernization, which was proposed by the Report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.

The successful holding of this forum effectively promoted the construction of relevant disciplines, expanded the academic horizon of teachers and students, improved the cognition level of scientific issues, and further enhanced the social influence of the school. In the future, the academy will continue to invite well-known experts from home and abroad to carry out academic exchanges in the university, so as to promote the level of the school and the decision-making and consulting ability of the Institute to a higher level.


                                                                               Translation: Xiaoxiao Liu

                                                                               Verification: Tianpeng Gao

上一条:Gao Tianpeng was invited to make a report for the training course of Xi'an Qinling Office on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC 下一条:Academy of Eco Xi’an held a forum on regional environmental governance

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