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The leadership of the Academy of Eco Xi'an Visited Chang'an Branch of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment

On the morning of September 27, 2022, Gao Tianpeng, Dean of the Academy of Eco Xi'an and his delegation accompanied Bao Feng, Member of the Party Committee, Minister of Publicity and Director of Scientific Research of Xi'an University, went to the Chang'an Branch of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment attending the research and exchange activities organized by the Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment. Wan Xuejun, Director of Comprehensive Division of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment, presided over the research and discussion activities.

Firstly, Director Wan introduced the purpose and significance of the first research stop of Chang'an Branch since the establishment of the Academy of Eco Xi'an. Gao Tianpeng introduced the organizational structure and operation mechanism of the Academy of Eco Xi'an and showed the enthusiasm and confidence in serving the local ecological environment construction.

Wang Jianghong, Director of Chang'an Branch of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment, expressed a warm welcome to the exchange of the Academy of Eco Xi'an and its delegation to Chang'an Branch, pointing out that Chang'an District has a complete environmental media system of mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, with many kinds of pollution and an urgent need to carry out research and technical services on ecological and environmental pollution management. The participants deeply and extensively discussed prominent environmental issues such as rural sewage treatment and air quality improvement in Chang'an District.

Gao Tianpeng said that the Academy of Eco Xi'an should coordinate resources from all sides, invite excellent expert teams from home and abroad, and strive to crack the blockages and difficult problems plaguing the construction of the ecological environment in Xi'an. Director Wan emphasized that a research and propaganda base for ecological civilization construction should be established in Chang'an District to strengthen multi-party cooperation, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, carry out multi-level propaganda, drive neighboring districts and counties to participate in environmental management work, and offer advice and suggestions for the construction of ecological civilization in Xi'an.

Finally, Member Bao pointed out that Xi'an University fully supports the work of the Academy of Eco Xi'an, and should gather multiple advantageous resources to identify and analyze the contradictions, problems, confusions and difficulties in the improvement of ecological environment in Chang'an District. The Academy should strengthen the publicity and guidance of positive energy, and publicize the advanced deeds and technical advantages of front-line workers in ecological environment management. It is hoped that Chang'an Branch will systematically sort out short-term problems and long-term difficulties that perplex the ecological environment construction. It is suggested that the team of the Academy of Eco Xi'an should organize a research on the current situation and propose a more scientific and reasonable layout of the current ecological environment monitoring network, while continuously summarizing the excellent results to provide a scientific basis for the municipal government in making accurate decisions on ecological environment construction.

Zhang Jiudong, Vice Dean of College of Biology and Environmental Engineering , Wen Limin, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Division of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Liu Li, cadre of Comprehensive Division of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Zhao Minjuan, Associate Professor of College of Biology and Environmental Engineering, Dr. Hu Youning and Yang Jianjun, Head of Discipline Inspection Team of Chang'an Branch, Li Hengwu and Researcher Chen Xi attended the seminar and gave guidance to the meeting.

                                                                               Translation: Xiaoxiao Liu

                                                                               Verification: Tianpeng Gao

上一条:Academy of Eco Xi’an held a forum on regional environmental governance 下一条:Member Bao Feng led the leaders of the College of Biological and Environmental Engineering to have a discussion with the leaders of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment about the work of the Academy of EcoXi'an

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