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Academy of Eco Xi'an has established to provide advice and suggestions for improving the quality of ecological environment in Xi'an

On the afternoon of June 24, the Academy of Eco Xi'an was established and the inauguration ceremony was held at Xi’an University. The academy is jointly established by Xi'an University and Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment.

Wang Yuxuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an University, Chen Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xi’an University, Liu Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Xi'anEcological Environment Bureau, and Li Bo, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment attended the ceremony. The signing ceremony was presided over by Li Zhongliang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xi’an University.

In his speech, Chen Gang said that the establishment of the Academy of Eco Xi'an is a concrete action to implement the thought of ecological civilization of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the important speech of his visit to Shaanxi Province, and a vivid embodiment of the initiative of universities to serve local ecological environment construction, economic and social development. The Academy of Eco Xi’an is a new type of research think tank, which will make greater contribution to serve the local economic and social development of Xi'an, improve the quality of ecological environment and air pollution in Xi'an.

At the signing and unveiling ceremony, Chen Gang and Liu Jun signed a framework agreement, and Wang Yuxuan and Liu Jun jointly inaugurated the Academy of Eco Xi’an together.

Wang Yuxuan emphasized that the joint establishment of the Academy of Eco Xi’an should be led by high-quality environmental protection work, actively improve the structure of the institute, and make good use of professional institutions to carry out professional things and to be a university that "knows Xi'an best". He announced that Professor Tianpeng Gao, Dean of the College of Biology and Environmental Engineering of Xi'an University, would be the president of the Academy of Eco Xi'an, and the heads of Xi'an University and Xi'an Ecological Environment Bureau would be the honorary presidents.

In the next step, the newly established Academy of Eco Xi'an will be dedicated to speeding up the pace of eco-Xi'an construction, realizing the development of science-education integration and industry-education integration, and comprehensively training high-quality talents for eco-Xi'an construction.

This event was reported by many central, provincial and municipal media such as Xinhuanet, china.com.cn, sina.com.cn, Netease, sohunet.cn, People's news network, China Environment News, Shaanxi daily, Xi'an release, Shaanxi ecological environment news, Chinese business view, Xi’an University News, etc., which had a wide social influence. The following link is a list of media reports:

1. Xinhuanet, http://sn.news.cn/2022-06/25/c_1128775699.htm

2. china.com.cn,http://stzg.china.com.cn/2022-07/13/content_42033504.htm

3. sina.com.cn,https://k.sina.com.cn/article_2810373291_a782e4ab02002duh7.html


4. Sohunet.cn, https://www.sohu.com/a/560727454_121119260

5. People's news networkhttps://xzzsx.sxdaily.com.cn/app/template/displayTemplate/news/newsDetail/5564/9671317.html?isShare=true

6. China Environment News,https://www.cenews.com.cn/news.html?aid=986532

7. Shaanxi daily, https://esb.sxdaily.com.cn/pc/content/202207/12/content_787397.html

8. Xi'an release, https://xafbapp.xiancn.com/app/template/displayTemplate/news/newsDetail/2347/6592143.html?isShare=true

9. Xi’an University News,http://www.xawl.edu.cn/xwzx/wlyw/82473.htm

10. Wechat official account of Xi'an Ecological Environment Bureau, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/aYU8FD05L5OAApkF-hOgyg


                                                                          Translation: Chenxi Dou

                                                                          Verification: Tianpeng Gao

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