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The preparatory work for the construction of Academy of Eco Xi'an continues to advance

In order to carry out Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization, put the construction of ecological civilization in an important position of economic and social development, firmly establish the scientific assertion that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." and the concept of "mountain, water, forest, field, lake, grass and sand" as a community of life, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of Xi'an's economic and social development, coordinate high-quality economic and social development with high-level ecological environment protection, and continuously improve the quality of Xi'an's ecological environment, Xi'an University and Xi'an Bureau of Ecology and Environment jointly established theAcademy of Eco Xi'anon June 24, 2022.

On the afternoon of June 26, 2022, the first symposium of the Academy of Eco Xi'an was held after its establishment. Professor Tianpeng Gao,president of the Academy of Eco Xi’an,dean of the School of Biological and Environmental Engineering, and Wan Xuejun, Director of the Intergrated Business Division of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology Environment, discussed the framework after the unveiling of the Academy of Eco Xi'an. The various tasks determined by the content of the framework agreement was sorted out, and the schedule of each work was determined.

On July 4, 2022, two sides held a joint discussion on the implementation of the Framework Agreement on the Establishment of theAcademy of Eco Xi'an, and decided to start the collection of subject guidelines, logo design, website construction, and editing of the Xi'an Eco Environmental Observation. It set the 9th of each month as the regular meeting time of the joint meeting, and made plans for the office location of theAcademy of Eco Xi'anand the seminar activities for this year.

On the morning of August 9, 2022, the second promotion conference of the construction for the Academy Eco Xi'an was held in the conference room of the College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Xi'an University. Some directors attended the meeting: professor Bao Feng, member of the Party Committee, director of the Propaganda Department and Director of the Research Department; professorTianpeng Gao,president of the Academy of Eco Xi’an, dean of the College of Biological and Environmental Engineering; Mr. Wan Xuejun, director of the Comprehensive Business Division of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology Environment; Ms. Wen Limin, deputy director of the Comprehensive Business Division of Xi'an Bureau of Ecology Environment, and representatives of teachers.

At the symposium, Director Wan exchanged views on the scope of the subject guide solicitation for eco Xi'an research since the establishment of theAcademy of Eco Xi'anand the contents of the catalog of Xi'an Ecological Environment Observation. Professor Tianpeng Gao, president of the Academy of Eco Xi’an introduced the preparations for the conference of the 5th International Conference on Environment and Earth Sciences (IWEG 2022) and the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Governance (ICEPG 2022) co-hosted by the Academy of Eco Xi'an and other related universities. Followed, he made an explanations on the connotation of the logo design of theAcademy of Eco Xi'anand the content of the website construction section. Finally, Mr. Bao Feng affirmed that the rapid progress of the work since its establishment of theAcademyof Eco Xi'an and expressed his hope that theAcademy of Eco Xi'anwould build up as a platform to condense disciplinary directions, gather academic resources at home and abroad, and promote the green development of Xi'an.

      As a platform and high-end think tank for local governments and higher education institutions to match resources and transform results in the field of ecological environment, the Academy of Eco Xi'an is to accelerate the pace of Eco-Xi'an construction and build Xi'an into an ecologically livable, harmonious and beautiful modern metropolis to contribute wisdom and a new engine of power.

Source: School of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Xi'an University.

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                                                                           Translation: Chenxi Dou

                                                                           Verification: Tianpeng Gao

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