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Fifth International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience

Conference Overview

IWEG is an annual academic event since 2018, aims to provide a high-level platform for experts and participants from academia and industry, through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions, to present research findings in the most state-of-the-art areas of Environment and Geoscience.

Due to the continuing impact of pandemic, IWEG2022 was held online during July 16-17, 2022. The program was divided into 3 sessions: keynote speeches, oral presentations and poster presentations. The event attracted over 50 participants from 13 different countries and regions, including China, Australia, Egypt, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Russia, Brazil, USA, Portugal, Kuwait, Iraq, Vietnam and Paraguay.

Thank all the reporters, who have done excellent jobs and attendees for being with us. Except that, we’d like to extend a "thank you" for all reviewers for providing comments which are very useful for the authors and give special thanks to Prof. Youmin Chen from Henan University, who presided over the conference.

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Youmin Chen
Henan University
Speech Title: On study of the atmospheric ozone with its distribution and variation

Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Tianpeng Gao

Dean of School of Biological & Environmental Engineering of Xi’an University, Director of Eco Xi'an Academy, the director of mining area pollution control and ecological restoration engineering research center in Gansu Province, A vice director of Urban Development Academy of Gansu province, and vice president of Lanzhou Smart City Academy, P.R. China
Speech Title: The Removal of Heavy Metals and Petroleum Pollution by Plant, Microorganisms and Ecological Remediation Technologies in Mining Areas

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Monzur Imteaz

Associate Professor, Head, Urban Environmental and Transport Systems School of Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Speech Title: Urban stormwater quality improvement devices: are we over-spending?

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Mohamed A.E. AbdelRahman

Associate Professor, Division of Environmental Studies and Land Use, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Egypt
Speech Title: Potentiality of Geomatics for Assessment Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Soil in-North Delta, Egypt

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Muhammad Jawad Sajid

Associate Professor, Xuzhou University of Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
Speech Title: The equitable distribution of the burden of carbon emissions mitigation among industries and final consumers

This conference has made a complete success because of their supports and contributions. We are expecting more experts and scholars from academia and industry to join IWEG2023 in Kunming, China July 15-17, 2023.

 Conference link: http://www.iwegconf.org/2022/Conference%20Overview.aspx

上一条:The preparatory work for the construction of Academy of Eco Xi'an continues to advance

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